January 14, 2013

Review: riceworks: Gourmet Brown Rice Crisps Sweet Chili flavor

So, it's 4 PM and I need to pump.  Pumping means a couple of other things: I will be insanely thirsty and hungry immediately following.  Since I'm at work, I keep snacks on hand, but nothing is sounding good.  So, I venture out to the vending machines.  Since I work in higher education, we have quite a few, and I choose to go to the "healthy, natural" machine rather than the one that sells fritos and cheetos.  I notice these brown rice "crisps" on the top row and go for a curveball and try them.  I buy this:
riceworks: Sweet Chili packaging... fiery.

I scamper back to my office to take pictures and try them for the first time.  Judging from the packaging, one would think there's a kick to these "crisps."  I mean... there are chili peppers on the front with a background that sort of resembles fire.  I'm glad they showed a "crisp" on the front as well, because upon opening the bag, I'd have thought they accidentally filled it with chips.  The bag touts its inhabitants many achievements: Gluten-free, All natural, Wheat-free, whole grain, vegan and celiac friendly, no trans fat, no cholesterol, no preservatives, and I think something about shaving whales. Anyway, I open the bag, and I'm saddened to see this:

my ration of "crisps"
Apparently riceworks is trying to help me watch my girlish figure... The "crisps" are dense.  I pick one up and inspect it... it's light, but thick.  It's covered in flavor stuff, but the ingredients list is significantly shorter than their chip counterparts.  I continue inspecting... I taste a "crisp."  My teeth crunch through the brown rice to find a sweet, slightly zippy flavor as bold as what you'd find on "chips" but this is a "crisp"... obviously.
I probably should have used a banana to show size, but I forgot and it's a little late now.  Visualize it.
All in all, the flavor was good, they hit the spot for a quick snack, and they were only 180 calories, but there are other things I could choose next time for less calories, more flavor, and less money.  I would say that if I were grabbing a sandwich and these were a chip option I will totally choose them, but for an after pumping snack? I'll pass next time.

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